Thursday, August 2, 2012

New goal: Book #2 by Labor Day

Why wait? I've had it in my head that I need to wait until October to self-publish book #2, but the manuscript is ready and the cover is about ready. Why wait? I see no reason any longer. My new goal is to get this thing out there before Labor Day weekend. Sales for Missing Maggie are the best they've ever been so I'm hoping those new readers will like one or the other, or both. The publishing process takes some time so I'll need to order my proof copy by the end of next week I figure. Also, it takes weeks to have it available in the iStore. Getting a copy for the Nook isn't real pressing since I might sell one a month through that channel. My head is spinning with everything that needs to get done, but sometimes it's better to work under pressure. Although, it isn't like I'll get fired if I miss my deadline. I'll keep you posted.

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