Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1000 copies sold!

I did it! I reached my original goal of selling 1000 copies of Missing Maggie. Back in October of last year, I honestly thought 1000 was quite a stretch. The pessimist in me figured once my friends and family had told a few of their friends, the cycle would stop there. No sirree! Sales are better than ever and I feel even more confident about my new career because book #2 is looking mighty fine.

Included with my goal of selling 1000 copies was to somehow make the cover of Rochester Women magazine. I realize that it's a pretty lofty goal since there are probably several women writers in the area who have reached the same milestone. I just think it would be cool since this is the magazine that lit the fire in me to take a chance at writing. I'll at least make an attempt by sending an email or two and see what happens. You never know unless you try, right?

Thank you, readers, for your support of Missing Maggie and your support of me. It is greatly appreciated.

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