I decided over the weekend to try my hand at seeking the representation of a literary agent for Sincerely, sad dad. Sales are not what they were for Missing Maggie so I'm thinking I need to change things up a bit. The task is daunting to say the least. There are about a gazillion agents out there ready to send me that auto-reply e-mail saying, "Thanks, but no thanks." My first rejection came today only 25 minutes after I clicked Send. Impressive. She knew right away my work wasn't for her. Ugh.
I seriously need to change my attitude. 'Tis the season, for crying out loud! Okay, so here's what's really going to happen. I'm going to get an e-mail tomorrow (it's my birthday so it's the perfect day for great news) from an agent who can't wait to send me a three-book deal, and wants to give me a $10,000 advance. I'm not greedy. Ten thousand sounds delightful. I'll call my husband at work and he'll shout for joy. We'll go out for dinner at a pizza place because I LOVE pizza. To top it off, my kids will go the entire night without picking a fight with each other. Oh, yeah. I am totally buying a lottery ticket too. 12/12/12. Book deal or not, I'm bound to be a winner!
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