Last night I went to listen to a fellow MN author give a talk at the library at University Center Rochester. With approximately thirty to forty people in the room, it was an intimate setting for Ms. Kramer to share her publishing story and speak about her five books, the newest being Shunning Sarah. She started off the night by explaining her theory on the saying, "Truth is stranger than fiction." Having been a TV news producer for twenty years, she's seen it all and swears that truth is indeed stranger than fiction. She urged fellow writers not to worry if a plot is too outlandish, claiming that if you write it well enough, the reader will believe anything. She then reminded us of the true story of the crazy female astronaut who wore a diaper while driving cross country to save time on her travels to commit murder. Point taken.
I was frustrated to hear that Ms. Kramer was accepted by the first agent she contacted. That certainly doesn't happen everyday. When asked if there were plans to make any of her books into movies, she said no and thought that perhaps her stories would make a better TV series. She also mentioned that most books don't make it to the big screen, and that the fame and popularity of The Help doesn't happen but once a decade. Kathryn Stockett's success makes me incredibly jealous as well. What an amazing writer!
I came away from the night still believing that I, too, have a chance to succeed as a writer. I'll just keep plugging away, trying to improve my craft and tell the best story I can. As the saying goes, "Anything is possible."
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