Friday, August 31, 2012

The last weekend of summer

I have to say that I'm ready for summer to be over. For one thing, our air conditioner broke and we don't plan on fixing it until next summer. Some fall-type weather would be nice about now. Another reason is that the kids will all be occupied with their sports and school and be on a "regular" schedule. This will hopefully make me get on a regular writing schedule. I'm having a hard time getting started with book #3. It's all outlined and ready to go. All I have to do is sit my butt down for longer than five minutes and "get after it" as my husband would say. It is so hard to write when the weather is perfect though. Maybe I have writer's block. That might be it. Or maybe it hasn't been that long since I finished writing Sincerely, sad dad. That can't be it because other authors like James Patterson somehow pump out like twelve books a year, or so it seems. Oh, well. This too shall pass. I only hope it passes quickly. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

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